Can my child get asthma?

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Most children who develop asthma manifest their symptoms before the age of 5.1

Although there’s no proven way to determine if your child will get asthma, there are factors that can be considered:2

1. Obesity.

2. Family history of asthma.

3. Exposure to both prenatal and postnatal tobacco smoke.

4. Diagnosed allergies (skin, food or allergic rhinitis).

Your child’s asthma can be controlled with an appropriate treatment

The most important thing is that patients receive the right medicine, proper treatment and all the relevant information that can facilitate the administration of the medication.

Using spacers

A spacer or aerochamber is a device that will regulate and improve inhalation of the medicine.3

It consists of a plastic tube-like extension of the mouthpiece to insert an inhaler. You can also attach a mask to the mouthpiece side to help younger patients.4

We invite you to watch the video where it is explained how to use it correctly and where you´ll find some tips.

CC-7948 / JUNE 2024

Using nebulizers

A nebulizer is a device that allows the medicine to be administered in the form of an aerosol containing microscopic drops of treatment and which can be easily inhaled through a nozzle or mask.5
It can be used from home and is considered an effective system for the treatment of respiratory diseases as it does not require coordination with the patient’s breathing.6

We invite you to watch the video where it is explained how to use it correctly and where you´ll find some tips.

CC-7801 / MAY 2024

CC-8702 / OCTOBER 2024

1. Asthma In Children. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

2. Childhood Asthma. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology. Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

3. Asthma Tip Sheets. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

4. Asthma & your Child. Asthma Society of Ireland. Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

5. Asma y COPD: cómo usar un nebulizador. Intermountain Healthcare Nevada. Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

6. What´s the difference between a Nebulizer and an Inhaler? Kids Health. Disponible en: Último acceso: octubre-2020

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