Kidney health

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Between 8 and 10% of the adult population has some kind of kidney injury, and millions of people die earlier every year due to kidney disease-related complications.3

However, a person may lose up to 90% of kidney function before experiencing any symptom of kidney disease.3

Things you probable didn’t know about kidney disease:

Over 850 millon people worldwide have some form of kidney disease.12

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two diabetes and high blood pressure are the two of kidney disease.13

Kidney disease is often symptomless until it is in advanced stage, which is why you should get tested.14

Early treatment may slow down the progress of kidney disease.3

It may also prevent other conditions, such as a heart attack, a stroke, or kidney failure.3,11

Having kidney disease puts you at greater risk of developing potentially life-threatening complications due to COVID-19.15

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3. World Kidney Day. Chronic Kidney Disease: What is Chronic Kidney Disease? Available at Accessed January 2021. 11. Patient (2017) Chronic kidney disease. Available at: Accessed January 2021. 12. Jager KJ, et al (2019) A single number for advocacy and communication—worldwide more than 850 million individuals have kidney diseases, Kidney International, 96(5), pp1048-1050. 13. WebMD. Kidney Disease. Available at: Accessed January 2021. 14. NHS England (2019) Overview: Chronic kidney disease. Available at Accessed January 2021.

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