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Sigamos en Contacto > Reglamento > Costa Rica


In accordance with the obligations set forth in the Law for the Promotion of Effective Competition and Defense of Consumers No. 7472, as well as any related and applicable laws from each of the participant countries to be listed herein below, and any duties associated with the disclosure of objective and accurate information in advertising regarding offers and promotions, to ensure that consumers are not affected by misleading advertising or to prevent unfair competition, ASTRAZENECA CAMCAR COSTA RICA SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, a company organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica, identified with corporate ID No. 3-101-504452, (the “Organizer” or AstraZeneca), hereby issues to the public these Regulations of the Celebrate Life Program (the “Regulations”) for any and all legal purposes, which shall be governed by Costa Rican laws and by the following provisions:


The “Celebrate Life” Program, hereinafter the Program, intends to provide support for the adherence to medical treatments across different diseases in the BioPharma, Oncology, and Immunology fields, offering benefits for patient users of AstraZeneca products. These benefits are detailed in these Regulations, including but not limited to the delivery of information on the management of the relevant medical condition and the supply of digital and hardcopy versions of educational materials, as well as other type of assistance favoring compliance with and adherence to medical treatment for purposes of improving the quality of life of patients. 

These Regulations define and clarify the conditions governing the Program. These provisions will be mandatory for all patients and organizers. Any persons participating in the Program will be deemed to understand and accept any conditions and limitations set forth herein. The participation in the Program involves the patient’s decision to comply with and abide by these rules as well as the Organizer’s decisions, which will be deemed final for any and all matters in connection with the Program. Any violation thereof, or any infringement to the procedures or systems established for the execution of the Program, will result in the immediate exclusion of the concerned patient and/or the revocation of the relevant benefits.


ASTRAZENECA CAMCAR COSTA RICA S.A. is the organizing company of the Program and is solely and exclusive responsible therefor, which may also retain any third parties of its choice for purposes of administering and/or providing some of the services included in the Program.


Any patients whose physicians prescribe them any of the BioPharma, Oncology, and Immunology Participant Products listed in Appendix I to these Regulations, which forms an integral part hereof, will be eligible to participate in the Program, provided that they meet the following requirements:


I.- Being eighteen years or older, or, in the case of minors, they may be eligible to participate through their corresponding parents or guardians.

II.- They have the intention to participate in the Program.

III.- They have enrolled in the Program through the phone numbers or website made available for said purposes by the Organizer, accepting any conditions set forth in these Regulations.


The effective term of this Program and its Regulations will be established as follows: 




2 years from September 2019

Oncology and Immunology

1 year from September 2020

The Organizer may expand or reduce said term unilaterally from time to time.


The Program will have coverage throughout Central America and the Caribbean, specifically for each product in the following jurisdictions.



Oncology and Immunology







Islas Caimán


Trinidad & Tobago



Dominican Republic











Costa Rica



El Salvador 







The Program will be valid in any participating pharmacies duly affiliated with the Program and located within the aforementioned jurisdictions. Program’s patients will be responsible for verifying that the pharmacy where they purchase any participant products are duly affiliated with the Program.


Patients may learn more about the Program by calling the following phone numbers:



Oncology and Immunology

 Costa Rica

+506 4000-1945

+506 4000-2089

El Salvador

+503 211-33721


+502 2375-0935

+502 2269-1235

Honduras San Pedro Sula

+504 2540-0399

Honduras Tegucigalpa

+504 2263-8820


+507 833-7692

+507 800-0242 

Dominican Republic

+1 (829) 946-5986

Dominican Republic (toll free)

+1(829) 200-7964

Trinidad & Tobago

+1(868) 224-5704

Trinidad & Tobago (toll free)

+1(844) 436-8678

In addition, patients may access the most updated version of these Regulations at Patients Information – Celebrate Life (, as well as any information in connection with the Program at the website Any questions or comments regarding the Program, participating pharmacies or any other matters in connection therewith may be directed to the phone numbers listed herein above.


Program’s patients will be responsible for the following:

The Organizer will not be liable for replacing any redemption or benefit products requested without the authorization of the participant patient.
Provide the identity document, where appropriate, every time a purchase or redemption is made or when applying for a benefit granted under the Program.
Request the transaction record to the relevant pharmacy, according to the procedures established under the Program.
Report any Adverse Event (AE) through any channels made available by the Organizer, being understood that Adverse Event means any undesired medical condition arising from the use of a medication or from undergoing a medical test; patients have been informed that they may report to their treating physicians any EA associated with any used AstraZeneca product, which may have resulted from the use of any of the Organizer’s products.
Strictly comply with the treating physician’s instructions, including but not limited to the terms and doses of the prescribed medications, based on which the Organizer will not be liable for the use and consumption of any Program-related products by patients.


The use of his/her personal identification to record any group or third-party purchases.
 The transfer purchases, redemptions and/or third-party benefits.
Record purchases for himself/herself, or their record by the relevant pharmacy on any date other than the purchase date.


To access the free product benefits, patients must do the following:

Have the medical prescription of any of the Program’s participating products
 Enroll to the Program through the phone numbers or website referred to in Clause Six hereof.
• Purchase the prescribed products at an of the Program’s participating pharmacies. Information regarding the participating pharmacies may be accessed by calling the Program’s phone number or by visiting the Program’s website.
 Provide his/her identity number to perform any Product purchases or receive any benefits.
 Ask the pharmacy to record the conducted purchase at the same time such purchase is made. Said purchase will be valid for 1 year, at the end of which said transaction will be deleted from the accumulated purchases made by the concerned patient if such purchase was not used for a redemption.
 In case of BioPharma products, the patient must meet the number of recorded purchases required under Appendix I, section 1.1.-Table of BioPharma products participating in the Program and parameters to be met for redemptions.
 Request a redemption, where applicable, at the Program’s participating pharmacies. The number of redemptions allowed to be made per patient per calendar year is included in Appendix I, section 1.1.-Table of BioPharma products participating in the Program and parameters to be met for redemptions. Patients may not request a higher number of free products to that established in Appendix 1, even if they have accumulated a sufficient number of purchases in order to request a free product. Any patient may ask the Organizer to review his/her case by submitting any documentation deemed necessary by the Organizer, and the Organizer reserves its right to approve any exceptions in case the Organizer considers in its sole criteria that the evidence submitted warrants such an exception and that there is medical support to exceed the maximum amounts established under Appendix I.
 In case of assistance or companion services through a nurse, the concerned patient must accept being reached by said nurse.
 In order to access other benefits provided by the Program, patients must arrange this through the phone numbers or website made available for said purposes by the Organizer, in accordance with any conditions set forth in these Regulations.


At the Organizer’s discretion and depending on the product, medical prescription and relevant country, Program’s patients may enjoy the following benefits:

 Additional services by specialists as Psychology, nutrition, physical therapy, etc, either virtually or face to face.
 Assessment of the Patient’s needs or further support.
 Supply of educational materials.
 Product administration reminders
 Appointments reminders.
 Adverse event reports.
 Satisfaction survey concerning the Patient Support Program services.
 Group workshops and lectures for patients.
 Free treatment products for patients from the private sector without insurance (tailor-made therapies).
 CoPayment benefit for patient with private insurance.


The Organizer will be exclusively responsible for the provisions expressly included in these Regulations.

The Organizer will consider the individual enrolled to the Program and meeting all requirements set forth herein as beneficiary of the Program’s advantages, including the right to receive any benefits or redemptions as set forth herein.

The Organizer, its affiliates, representatives and directors in no event will be held accountable for any possible damages and losses experienced by any person using a product delivered as redemption without being prescribed by a physician and, therefore, each patient will be responsible for the application given to the product received as redemption; also, the patient hereby holds the Organizer harmless from any liability arising from any situations where the relevant pharmacy may have misused the product delivered for purposes of being used in the Program. The Organizer will not be forced to replace the benefit or product provided as redemption with any other product, good or service, nor to apply it to discounts or any other type of advantages. In order to qualify for a benefit or redemption, the relevant patient must meet all requirements set forth in these Regulations. Any products delivered as redemptions will be indivisible, non-transferable and non-negotiable for any other product and/or benefit. In addition, the Organizer hereby assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages and losses caused by act of God, force majeure or third-party actions, as well as by any infringement by patients to the provisions set forth herein.

Patients hereby understand and acknowledge that they have been informed that the Program will be conducted by an AstraZeneca-retained third party, and also that the Program may be suspended or ended at any time, without this decision having any incidence or affecting the patient’s treatment or their relationship with their physicians and, therefore, that no claims may be filed by Patients against AstraZeneca based on these grounds.


The Organizer reserves the right to amend from time to time this Program, the list of participating products, the table of redemptions or maximum redemptions permitted, or any other characteristics, documents, processes or mechanics concerning the Program at any time, in which case the Organizer will be exclusively responsible for informing about said change in the Program’s website and reflect said changes in these Regulations, where necessary.


The Organizer reserves the right to suspend the Program at any time, whether in whole or in part, temporarily or definitely. Also, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the affiliation to the Program of any patient if there is evidence of fraudulent benefit assignment or claims. Falsehood, fraud or forgery hampering the normal execution of the Program and any actions that in the Organizer’s discretion may be illegal or banned as set forth in these Regulations and/or the applicable laws and that might harm the Program or its organizers, may be prosecuted through any remedies available under the applicable laws.

The participation of legal entities in the Program is prohibited. If any social welfare institution or organization helping patients to procure drug products wishes to participate in the Program or transfer the Program’s benefits to its patients, such institution or organization may reach the Organizer for said purposes. The Organizer reserves the right to provide or not, in whole or in part, the Program’s benefits to any organizations, foundations or institutions of this kind.


Patients hereby authorize and provide their consent to access their information and their inclusion in any databases located anywhere in the world, as the Organizer may deem appropriate, during the effective term of the Program and for up to ten years after the end of the Program, and also authorize the use of said information by the Organizer for any authorized purposes under the relevant legal framework, including but not limited to sharing any information with physicians for monitoring treatment with their pharmacy of choice or with any third parties that, in the Organizer’s discretion, should have access to said information for the benefit of patients and/or treatment. At the same time, the relevant patient will have access to said information upon request. It is understood, however, that the Organizer will not have direct access to any personal information allowing to identify patients but said information for purposes of the Program will be managed through any Organizer-retained third parties for said purposes.


Patients hereby express their interest in participating in the Program to receive, whether in whole or in part, the benefits that may arise from the Program, and hereby understand and acknowledge that any activities performed under the Program will not replace the diagnosis, recommendations and/or treatments prescribed by the patient’s physician. Furthermore, Patients understand that the Program is intended to guide and inform Patients, their families and healthcare teams on the appropriate use of prescribed drug products, provide information and education on the disease as well as information and education on their pathology.


Patients hereby understand and acknowledge that they have been informed that the Program will be conducted by an AstraZeneca-retained third party, and also that the Program may be suspended or ended at any time, without this decision having any incidence or affecting the patient’s treatment or their relationship with their physicians and, therefore, that no claims may be filed by Patients against AstraZeneca based on these grounds.


In addition, patients hereby authorize the Organizer to send text messages, emails, post mails, or communications through any other available channels, in connection with the Program, to the cell phones and/or addresses reported in the relevant databases; as well as to make phone calls to:


 Communicate any relevant changes that might affect patients- Validate any recorded purchases or redemptions in the name of the patient.
 Update patient’s information.
 Arrange for the delivery of any benefits requested by the patient.
 Other topics in connection with the Program.

Patient’s data will be stored and kept in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, as well as with any specific informed consent signed by the concerned patient. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and for purposes of these Regulations, the following provisions should be considered:

 Data will be kept by ASTRAZENECA CAMCAR COSTA RICA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA, with offices located in San Rafael de Escazú, Roble Corporate Center, 5th floor, Corporate ID No. 3-101-504452.
 The Organizer will use patient’s data for any purposes intended by this Program as set forth in these Regulations, for which patients hereby grant their consent.


The Organizer hereby makes the following channel available for patients in case of questions concerning the Organizer’s data processing policies in order to opt-out or confirm information in the Program’s contact lists: 

Email address:
Oncology and Immunology Program:

Call Center:



Oncology and Immunology

 Costa Rica

+506 4000-1945

+506 4000-2089


+502 2375-0935

+502 2269-1235

Honduras San Pedro Sula

+504 2540-0399

Honduras Tegucigalpa

+504 2263-8820


+507 833-7692

+507 800-0242 (toll free)

Dominican Republic 

+1 (829) 946-5986

Dominican Republic (toll free)

+1(829) 200-7964

Trinidad & Tobago

+1(868) 224-5704

Trinidad & Tobago (toll free)

+1(844) 436-8678

In case the patient requests to opt-out his/her information from the contact lists, such patient may lose, in the Organizer’s discretion, the right to participate in the Program, including the right to obtain any redemption pending to such date.

Patients hereby confirm that they have received all information requested in accordance with Article 5 et seq of the Law on the Protection of Persons Regarding the Processing of their Personal Data enacted by the Republic of Costa Rica under No. 8968.

All the provisions of these Regulations shall be applicable to all Program’s patients, without distinctions of any kind. The breach of any provisions hereof may result, in the Organizer’s discretion, in the exclusion of the infringing patient from the Program and the loss of all benefits that remain redemption pending.

No provision hereunder may be construed as creating a relationship between the parties other than those arising from normal business trading as a result of the participation in the Program. No patient or beneficiary of the Program’s benefits may acquire as such the condition of employee, representative or agent of the Organizer. The performance of the obligations set forth herein will result in the full termination of the relationship between the parties.

A copy of these Regulations will be available for all Program’s patients at the following website: Patients Information – Celebrate Life (

Any questions or queries in connection with the scope and interpretation of these Regulations, or to request a digital copy thereof, may be addressed through phone call to the phone number or website made available by the Organizer for said purposes. Any information provided in no manner will alter or amend these Regulations.

Participating Products


1.1. Oncology and Immunology Products participating in the Program:


CC-12966 / September 2026

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