Caregivers and family: How can I help someone who has severe or eosinophilic asthma?

Here are some tips to help your loved ones treat their condition.

First things first: get an accurate asthma diagnosis for your loved one

In order to help someone, the problem must first be correctly identified. Plan a visit and accompany your loved one to a doctor, allergist, pulmonologist, or asthma specialist. The doctor will review current medications, asthma history, and tests to help determine the presence of eosinophilic asthma.

Prepare yourself: understand the consequences of asthma and the critical role of eosinophils

Knowledge is power – it can increase confidence and help you have better conversations for both you and your loved one. There are patient organizations that could support you. In addition, the patient support program will have educational information for caregivers and patients alike.

Play an active role in supporting your loved one

As someone responsible for the care of the person you love, you can learn more about asthma, help them recognize their symptoms, support them in how to use each device correctly, and make sure that your loved one takes their medication properly, in the way that you directed. the doctor.

Sharing is also caring

Have a fluid conversation with your loved ones and your doctors to promote a trusting environment where you can comfortably talk about your condition. Talk to them to understand what triggers your loved one’s asthma attack or asthmatic exacerbations. Not all triggers are the same for everyone. Work with your loved one and their doctor to help mitigate their asthma triggers. Some of the most common are:

Respiratory infections like colds and flu

Pet allergens or pests

Bad weather and air pollution

Be present and be yourself

In order to provide quality asthma care, you must first take care of yourself. Sometimes being present is all your loved one needs. How may I help someone with asma? US-4112

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